March Break Rider Level 3, 4 & 5 Prep
- March 17, 2021
– Disassemble and assemble a snaffle bridle and “put it up” in a figure of eight.
– Parts of the hoof, characteristics of a healthy hoof/newly shod hoof, hoof issues.
– Types of blankets, put on/remove blanket with leg/belly straps, put away properly.
–. Stable design incl. safety and comfort considerations, size, floor types, ventilation etc.
– Types of bits (and uses), in depth discussion on types or equipment/tack & care.
- Trimming a horse, preparing a mane properly, daily care of manes/tails.
- Health: temperature, pulse, respiration, capillary refill, teeth, skin conditions, lameness
- Rein aids, phases of a jump, leading a horse for line classes, lunging
Proper cool down techniques, how to safely tie up a hay net, barn safety rules, measuring a horse, nutrition, and more!
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